Pixabay Nevertheless, there are a number of death-clock websites that claim to calculate and dispense such knowledge free of cost. The most popular one is named—you guessed it—The Death Clock. It asks you for information like your date of birth, your gender, your body mass index (BMI), and your smoking status. It also asks you a series of questions to probe whether you are normal (whatever that means), optimistic, sadistic, or pessimistic. Below is a video of what it is all about. It appears that the death-clock website that YouTuber Guy Goals is referring to has moved to a new location on the Internet since the making of his video above. In any event, you have a choice of which death clock you wish to use to find out the exact day you will, in figurative language, be riding that highway in the sky.

How Accurate Are Death-Clock Websites?

If you decide to use more than one death-clock website to find out the exact day you will be kicking the bucket, you will likely get a variety of answers. It’s kind of like when you read your horoscope in different newspapers and on different websites and each one states something different. Now, does such a variation in feedback from these death-clock websites necessarily mean that they are fake? Some people believe so. In fact, more than a few people deem these sites bogus and their “answers” dubious at best. In the video below, YouTuber TeratoLust questions the accuracy of the so-called “formulas” used in death clocks.

A Question of Mortality

YouTuber TeratoLust argues that because a death-clock website gave her different dates for someone’s dying day after she keyed in the same information, its answer was invalidated. However, in the comments section of the video above, a YouTuber named lubomir kubas complained that his or her date of demise stayed the same after duplicate entries. After I keyed my information into the same death-clock website multiple times, I received the same results indicating that I will die about 11 to 12 years from now. This doesn’t seem impossible to me, but I guess I won’t know the truth for well over a decade. Am I scared or even alarmed by that information? Absolutely not. I’m not old, and I’m not someone who is going to allow for any website to put me in a state of fear over a possible visit from the Grim Reaper in the 2030s. Everyone must die sooner or later. At some point, we all have to come to terms with our mortality because if there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that nothing is forever, particularly the lives of biological organisms. On any kind of geological or cosmological scale, we all come into this world and leave in the blink of an eye. It is not really the experience of passing away that scares me but rather the possibility of dying without having done everything I wanted to do in life. Then again, some people argue that death is nothing more than an illusion. Watch the video below to get an idea of this school of thought.

Should We Fear the Reaper?

A person’s perspective and spirituality can also determine the extent to which they fear death. Neale Donald Walsch, for example, believes death is a fiction and that we should not mourn the death of a loved one. He explains his stance on this topic in his video below. Some people feel that if death is absolutely final and the end of everything for someone, then nothing in life really matters. YouTuber Aperture presents that argument in the video below. There are scientists who contend that consciousness is ubiquitous in the universe, a belief system called panpsychism, and cannot be destroyed; therefore, it exists indefinitely. We are all bound to have our own opinions regarding this topic. Most of us still consider it a grand mystery. With all the different feedback that science and religion constantly bombard us with, the notion of nothingness after death somehow doesn’t satisfy our search for answers. Most of us simply will not settle for the theory that we pass into an eternal black void of nothingness because that’s not really an answer we can comprehend. Whether the question is a macabre distraction or not, many of us want to know how much time we each have left on this planet. Otherwise, death-clock websites would receive no traffic, and they would be the ones to die, disappearing from the Internet altogether.

Living With an Expiration Date

Many of us fool ourselves into thinking that we have all the time in the world, especially when we are teenagers. However, as time goes by, we eventually realize that perhaps we haven’t crossed off all the items on our proverbial bucket list. It dawns on us that someday we won’t be around. Pixabay A death-clock website may not give us a completely accurate time and date that we will cease to exist. Not even doctors can give us that specific information. They can only give us a prognosis of how soon we may end up dying based upon our individual health. Nonetheless, it is interesting how death clock creators gather information and devise formulas for calculating someone’s expiration date. News networks have even delved into this curiosity, as shown in the video below.

Curiosity Killed the Cat, but When?

In the news clip above, Dr. Phillipa Cheetman explained that the World Health Organization (WHO) assists the designers of these death-clock websites in assembling the general information necessary to produce calculations that are as accurate as possible without examining the actual people who utilize the websites. She admits the information used is insufficient for determining the date of someone’s death. I’m not worried about dying 11 to 12 years from now. However, if I do, I guess everyone who follows me here will at least suspect something once I suddenly stop posting articles here on this writing platform. On the other hand, it could mean that I’ve developed a bad case of laziness or even writer’s block. In any event, I’m going to live my life to its fullest and let Mother Nature decide when I take my last breath. So long as there are curious individuals, death-clock websites will continue to exist. We all must realize that they are not a form of artificial intelligence that thinks and makes decisions as the human brain does. Therefore, none of us should panic if we visit one of these death-clock websites and it gives us results that are different from what we desire. What I find so disturbing is that many people visiting these death-clock websites are kids, mainly preteens. They don’t need to be wasting their time fearing death. Live for today, and let tomorrow take care of itself. This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters. © 2022 Jason B Truth

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